Making your Own Slime is not that hard to do. It is great for your child to make and play with. Lots of books out there on how to make it.
I recently was making Slime with my daughter, as she loves to make this. We have made it with all different ingredients, looked it all up on the Internet. Also, we had bought a book about Making Slime at her school bookfair. But we never really used the recipes out of the book, because it mainly had stuff that we currently didn’t have.
So the next spot we looked, was looking it all up on YouTube. Now there are lots of videos kids and parents had made. So you can look there for one that suits your needs. With the ingredients, you currently have in your house. So you’re not rushing to the store to buy stuff, and find out it you don’t like it or it doesn’t work.
Making your own Slime
We make slime with contact solution and Elmers glue and some baking soda and food coloring. This one mixes great, and is an easy and our favorite to make. Start with the glue first(small bottle) and add little baking soda, thne little squirt of contact solution, and mix. We had a few that never worked, and some did. Over time you will get the right combination, my daughter does it herself also.
This is something she loves to make, whether it be by herself or with friends. She cleans up after herself also, and she’s only 9 years old. She was the one that was interested in making her own slime and try and do it herself.
We have tried making one with borax, but that was seemed a bit challenging as we couldn’t manage to get the mix just right. And it was either too watery or just didn’t bind together. So we always went back to the one with the Contact Solution.
Great Things to Do With Your Child
There is always something that you can do with your child, you can enjoy some time with them also. I know I loved when my others were little, and we always baked. I always got them to help with making cookies, the cute shapes they made and everything. All the experiments they did also, trying out new ingredients to the cookies. They had lots of fun eating all the cookies too, knowing that they helped in making them.
But back then , there wasn’t too much to do, as I didn’t have a computer back then. They cost too much and I didn’t even know what it was about, this was back in the 90’s. So I relied on my library to supply me with what I needed, and got ideas from books I read there. And sometimes I would even go and get some pages printed also. So I could just take the part I wanted from the book, instead of having to bring the book home.
We always went for walks to the park and not close by either. They would be far enough to get exercise, but also close enough to a place to eat. That is how I got them to go was to say they can get some fries from McDonald’s after the park. Or even a ice cream cone or some small fries, it was all their choice. We did this alot, almost every week. So they enjoyed the one on one and got to get out of the house. Have a treat was the best part for them. My son said it was the best part of growing up.