Being A Better You

Beauty Products For Your Needs all in one spot is something we all look for. I know when I shop, especially online. Would love to know that I can shop for it all in one place. Less shipping and I know it will all be delivered at the same time because it’s from only one company.

Maybe you love to paint your nails, I love painting my nails. I love all the colors that are out there to choose from. So maybe this is something you may want to look at. I

Watched Your Mom And Her Routine

Think when we are young and growing up, have you watched your Mom without even knowing you were? I know I did, I never realized till later on that I did watch her. This was what I did every Saturday morning, I rushed into the bathroom to watch my mom do what she did. She already washed her face, and then she was caring for her face after that. That is what I watched and asked questions, why she did do what she does.

Apply lotion to her face to protect it from the elements outside(sun, wind, etc.) After this, she would continue putting the rest of her face on as she said. Which was her foundation cream/stick and concealer, then her eye shadow and light beige lipstick. After that was all done, she did her hair. She usually curled it, she only needed to refresh her curls. Because she put it in rollers the night before.

I loved watching her do this each Saturday, to find out later. She almost did the same thing each and every day. As I find myself with a morning routine also, without even knowing I had one. So that may be where we pick up what we do each day is from watching someone else doing the same similar thing. Is why to this day that you do it also, without even knowing it!!!

My Routine Each Day!

Now, that I realized I do have a morning routine. I had to see what I did, which made me think about what I do each and every day. That is why I need to have all my beauty needs for your needs in one easy one stop shop. Can it really be that easy, we are trying. We have some great other cosmetics too and you will want to see. Like I have said before, go explore cause you will find more here and maybe something you didn’t know you needed.

Actually, after my shower I do take my medicine and also take my snaps. Now what are my snaps, they are all different. But to start my day, I take my Youth and my Brain snaps. First my Uuth then wait ten minutes and do my other snap. To get my day started off right.

As I am in the bathroom, I do tidy up as I go along. Cause it sure does help later on throughout the day. Because most of my time is dedicated to my working on my PBS. This is my home-based business, I love it so much that it doesn’t even feel like work most of the time. And you too can join in the fun, enjoy what you do and be able to stay home too!!

Now when I get this far in my morning routine, I need to quickly straighten my hair. So I usually do that, and I am basically set for the day. Now we all have a routine for our beauty needs, no matter what it is. It is your routine, you may not do all this. Or maybe your are one that does the nighttime routine, a bath and bubbles, and just a quick brush through your hair in the morning. Good to go!! It’s ok, we don’t judge. As we are all individuals here.

After You Are Ready For The Day

After you are got all ready for your day, now it’s time to sit down and have a cup of coffee. I know I need my morning coffee!!! I have to have it each and every day. So why not kickstart it with this great coffee. We even got this great new snap you add to your morning coffee, this helps with weight loss. You will love it especially if you know what thermal products do for you. That is what this product is and yes it works.

While your sitting there and having your coffee and you can write in your Attitude of Gratitude Journal, only takes a few minutes to do. A new thing we all should be doing, is writing down what we are grateful for. You can go from just being grateful you woke up today, glad for the beautiful day it is that day. Takes but a moment to think of things off the top of your head that you could be grateful for. For some-it can be I love having food in my cupboards today. I know as I grow with myself for being a better you

More Than Just Beauty!

beauty products for your needs

What’s even better, they even have coffee that will help with your weight loss. If that is something that you are looking for. Or even need more of a kick for your day, you can take a snap and be ready for your day. I know if I miss my coffee I take the Caramel Macchiato, just because it gives me more boost than the lemon drop one.

Being a better you is something that we all want to do. But how? Maybe just start small. You are already good, but you can even be a better you. Just need to find what works for you and run with that. I love my music, maybe you love to exercise or fresh air. Walks are great way to get both. Or even more, by just adding some tunes to it and listen with your headphones which makes it even better.

Now being a better you is very possible. You need to make sure that you do love who you are first. Yes, you need to believe who you are. That you love every part of you.

Do you wake up positive every day? Meaning, you are in a positive state of mind. You wake up thinking, what am I grateful for today? Am I grateful for my house, my family, my life, or me? I actually say my gratitude items each second day, and do this before I get out of bed. Kick start my day off right.

If you do not feel all that great about who you are each day, then you need to work on that. Because what you feel all day, gives out its own kind of energy. Everyone will feel that kind of energy that you are giving off. Whether it be bad energy-meaning negative. Or it is great positive energy.

Feeling like you are awesome and want everyone else to feel as awesome as you feel. You want to just spread it around and rub it off of others.

Are There Things You Need To Work On?

You didn’t wake up happy. You may want to change that tomorrow. So you are happy and radiate that happiness, others will want to be around you.

Maybe you know you judge people and don’t want to do that anymore. Don’t need to worry about what others think either. Don’t judge people or others will judge you too.

You haven’t learned how to leave the past in the past. You may need to figure out how to work on that, to forgive a person from your past. But do remember it is a lesson you may have needed to learn. But you do want to get past it, by learning to acknowledge it and forgive and move on. I see many people that struggle with this. Face your fear head-on and accept and close that door and move on with the here and now.

Do you value yourself? Do you believe that you are worth it? If not, you may need to work on that also. Do you accept who you are and what you are? Love yourself and be yourself.

Working On Ourselves

We all need to work on ourselves, basically a better version of our current selves. Now I know I was asked at one time. What do I do to be who I am? Cause I was told I look like I don’t let life get to me. I look as if I am beaming from the inside out!! What was my secret??

Well, I never thought about it before. Till now. I thought about it for a while. Coming to the realization, I don’t let others’ drama enter my circle of thought. I am a positive person, looking at all that is good. Grateful for each and every day. I thank God for the blessing I have. When I encounter toxic people I don’t let it get to me (brush off their negativity) and leave it with them. I am just an ear to listen for them. But I refuse to carry their burden, and I make sure to give that back to them. Don’t ever carry anyone’s bad energy, don’t let it rub off on you. You be you boo.

I am very calm and radiate great energy, which is what a great friend has once told me. She has said she never came across many people that are that much at peace with everything and themselves.

So when I think about this, I think back to how I helped myself to be a better me. Being a better you than you currently are, is very possible. Just start working on yourself and find what works for you. Do some of your own research and see what your triggers are and how to cope.


To rid me of the stress I feel I am carrying, I listen to my music on my phone and use my AirPods. Tune the rest of my household out and just listen to the music!! If I believe I am more stressed, then it comes to pulling out a coloring book and just focusing on coloring for a bit. Help me to get out of my own head basically, no stressful thoughts of any kind. This helps me, and we are all different and have our own way of coping with our stress. Or maybe you call that your husband or your kids. Or even your pets, or your boss. We all have our own kinds of stresses, just need to have your own way of dealing with them to make ourselves happy once again.

So I really try and stay away from the things that stress me out. Just like today, I know I shouldn’t have bothered asking a friend for a ride to town. I only wanted to go to the farmer’s market and get cucumbers. So a trip that should of taken 20 minutes at the most. Took an hour, cause my friend likes to do all her trips in one. Not just go to the farmers market and back home. So she needed to go to the bank, post office, and store. She had to go to all these places with me in the car. Oh, and it is a hot day out today also. She doesn’t use her a/c because she believes it wastes her gas. Oh and she’s an older woman I should have said. So basically set in her ways.

I normally would have just skipped going to town altogether. But thought today, we may not take that long. Not the case, so here I sit with my headphones in and try to rid myself of the stress I have. Mainly from the short ride, I should have had with her. Oh and she loves to talk about all the depressing things going on around the world, when she has her own problems she avoids them. Another stress of mine also, to keep my mouth shut, cause it is like talking to a wall. If you have one of these people in your bubble, best just to avoid together!!!

Needing to Being A Better You

Is great for everyone to do, even if you have no stress right now. But you know you can be better, and work on yourself constantly. I believe we need a reminder for this always, I know I do. I don’t want to be snapping at my family, I want to be there for them and support them also. So figure out how to destress and be a happy version of yourself. What makes that happen and remind yourself to always do it. I have also found that this great snap helps me. Brain fog gone, and weight too. Wahoo, love that part. But these sure do work and I have more energy and see things more easily I guess. Cause they sure do help, I love them and before I forget. Even one to protect you against EMF, cute little necklace you can wear or put in your pocket.