Does Everyone Have A Morning Routine?

Does everyone have a morning routine? Are you predictable to what you do each morning? Do others already know you will not be ready right away. Or are you one to just roll out of bed, quickly get dressed and grab your shoes and go? Get something to eat later on, or do you just grab a granola bar?

I always wondered what others did. Do they do something every day without even knowing they do it. I think we need our routine to know that we did what we needed to do. Just the same as a nightly routine. We know at the end of the day we done it because we do the same every night.

Now, I don’t know if everyone does this, but this is just what I do. And I have noticed that I do this every day. If I do not do it, I feel like I am missing something the rest of the day. Because I don’t know if I have done all I needed to get done that day. Which was my morning routine.

My Morning Routine

  1. wake up at a set time each day
  2. open my curtains and windows (fresh air and light)
  3. go shower-kickstart my day
  4. get dressed, clothes I picked out earlier
  5. brush teeth
  6. beauty routine-what ever yours may be
  7. fix my hair-blow-dry or straighten, or even just brush it.
  8. I clean up the bathroom while I’m in there(always have)

Now, this may not look like much, but it all takes me roughly 45 minutes. Sometimes I may be 35 minutes, but I never knew how long it took till I took the time to actually time myself. And yes, I do this every day. Gets others mad sometimes, especially on the weekend. When we are going somewhere and I am just not ready. Mainly because I didn’t wake up early enough to do my morning routine. That is why I had asked, does everyone have a morning routine? Because without even knowing I did this each day, yes, I do have a morning routine.

I just used to say, well this is just me. I need to do this every day. You do you and I will do me. Wow, it is a morning routine that I do each and every day. Without fail, I do this and maybe others do this also. Of course it may be different, and we are all different people. So I ask again, does everyone have a morning routine?

What do you do each day, actually every morning. Maybe you even have an evening routine, when you get ready for bed. I know I do, and every night I have a Zlem to help me sleep. Now believe me this sure does help me get a good night’s sleep. I was already sleeping good, but with this my sleep is even better!! If you can believe that, I don’t wake up in the middle of the night anymore.

Kickstart Your Morning!

I have this to kick start my day, and after I know I am ready for the day. I have some breakfast and then I go for my morning walk. At first this breakfast is something quick and easy, like a bagel to go with my coffee. My walk is so I am energized for my day of working from home. Yes, I love working from home. I am here for my kids in the morning and here when they get home from school.

Work From Home

My kids love that I am here for them. I did hold down a normal job, of being a chambermaid. I worked the hours I was told, no weekends off. When I was needed, I was to drop everything and go to work. So I rarely seen my kids, I got home before dinner time. Most of the time so tired to even worry about anything but just lie down. So my kids missed me alot. That is why working from home is a great thing to have. A business for myself and I set my own hours. Work when they are in school, or even when they go to bed. It is all up to me.

How did I find out about this, well believe it or not Facebook. I reached out to someone that was talking about how she loved working from home. I asked her how was she doing that, and what did I need to do to do the same thing she was doing. She connected with me and here I am. Something as simple as reaching out got me doing what I love doing. You can do the same, with just reading this page and also work from home link post blogging.

Why work from home- no need to work for someone else. But work for yourself and take time off when you want. Being able to go on vacation when you want and for how ever long. Cause your business works even when you are away. Built the right way it sustains itself, and you can just jump back in when you get back. So if you are in need of having the extra money and not having to work so hard to get money. Then you really should look into being here. Loving the income and creating the time to work when I need to and want. Making it possible to make my own schedule and enjoy like with family. Oh and I can even be sick without having to panic about it. Sounds like something we all need and should have, and it is possible.

Always Busy When Working From Home

Yes, I am always busy if not even busier then when I worked outside in the work world. Believe it or not, because I am juggling work and home life and mom life all in one. It can be done and you just need a schedule and stick to it. Get your work out of the way first, or do your housework first. But pick about an hour or 2 to get it done. That way you know you have accomplished it at least. Before your day went sideways or something came up. Because you never want to fall behind in home or work life.

I know I am slowly getting the hang of doing both. I set a day for laundry, which is monday cause I know I am slow moving on that day. So working is not very productive that day for me, I am unmotivated to get going on Monday’s so doing laundry works for me. I also know I work well on Tuesday and Thursday, sometimes Wednesday. Friday I just wing it on what I want to do, whether it work or home or just ME time. No matter what I am doing I am always making the most of my time each and every day.

But you know what, I can still make time for my grandkids at the drop of a hat. When they need me I will stop what I am doing and go see them. Help them with what they need. So if I am working, I rely on notepads to quickly jot down what I am currently doing. If it is time sensitive then I can easily jump back in. Most of what I need to get done is time sensitive, I do that in the morning. Or even if it is mandatory I do in the morning and just knock it out.

So if you were thinking “is this really possible?” yes it is. You learn to juggle your home life and work life and make them one. Of course, it does not come instantly but you will get there. Just like anything else, it is learned along the way. I love it and so glad I have found this and cannot see myself joining the work force again. Unless i felt the need to add more tasks to my day, or something that forced me to go back. Love working from home and love the flexibility of it all, and being here whenever family needs me.