Care of common houseplants is what I just started to look for. Some of my houseplants needed some extra love. I think what I was doing, just wasn’t enough for them. They needed something else, because I did fertilize them each month. Or when I thought they needed it.
But that didn’t seem to be enough. They needed more, and I found out, a few of my plants. Were just in a too big pot, they loved smaller pots. I thought they would grow better, in the bigger pot. But I was wrong, so I will be changing that pot very soon.
Care of Common Houseplants– Snake Plant
They love the indirect sun, and lots of light, and not too hot. As I found out during the summer when my plant almost died. Cause it was in a hallway, that got hardly any light. Only light was at a backdoor, and that is only if it was really sunny. Yes, they love summer being outside!! One that almost died, yes I did it again. Almost killed another plant. I had revived it by sending it outside, indirect sunlight. It is looking fabulous and growing more!!! So some indirect sun is good for your spider plant also. Yes, I do remember to water it even though it is outside.
So when I am outside I will water my houseplants that are outside. They are out there,getting some good sunshine and helping them grow better. Good during the summer months. I usually have my coffee outside in the morning and will water plants then. Or a break from working on my computer, since I work from home. The fun of working from home is being able to take a break without having to ask permission. After, I easily jump right back into it witih no problems.
- dust them often, to improve its ability to photosynthesize.
- only be watered when the soil is almost dry, which can be every two to eight weeks. This plant does not need to be misted either
- make sure you have well-drained soil also, to prevent root rot
- they like indirect sunlight also.
Taken Care of Well, has Benefits
I have noticed my snake plant has sprouted another side plant in the same pot. It sure didn’t take long for it to grow and match the size of the other plant. Was so excited when I seen the new plant pop up.
Also, my spider plant have produced lots of babies and have been repotted also. So that is another reason why I wondered, what was I doing wrong? And again, the wrong size pot for the plant, as they prefer a smaller pot, as they don’t need much room. They like the tight quarters.
Watering Your Plants
You always need to water your plant and how much depends on the plant you have. Spider plants love water, and some plant food. They get way stronger and come out bushier too. I never did give plant food to my plants till this year. Wow, I am amazed on how much they love the boost. This is a simple feed too, of 7 drops into one litre of water. I use only once a week, and then will change to every 2 weeks, when they look more stronger.
I wanted my plant to be bushier, cause it looked a little too small for my liking. All you need to do is to add some small little baby plants to the side of your main plant. Those will grow alongside your plants- making it bushier. So there is some simple easy care of common houseplants that you can easily learn, just by doing a little research. If you want your houseplants to grow and live, some research on what they like will benefit both of you. Your plant will look great and you will feel great that you are taking great care of your plant.
Just know the kind of plant you own and read up on it and you should be all good. I only have 2 kinds of plants in my house now- spider plants and snake plants. I take care of those all now, instead of all different kinds of plants. Having a variety of plants didn’t work for me. Cause I was treating them like they were all the same.
Very Easy Plant to Have
A unique, easy-to-grow houseplant, the Wandering Jew is a popular houseplant that is both easy to grow and looks amazing in a hanging basket as well as in a topiary form. The most widely available variety of this vine has leaves marked with characteristic olive and silver markings on the top and a dark purplish maroon color on the undersides. Some varieties flaunt a purplish color on both surfaces of the leaves. Wandering Jew thrives well on medium to bright low light and uniformly-watered soil. You can grow this plant from stem cuttings stuck in water or moist potting soil. It’s recommended to allow the soil to dry in between watering spells.
A Wandering Jew
This is a very easy houseplant to have, and very popular also. You can have this in your house, in a hanging basket, or just up high. It is a plant that grows well, and loves its steady watering. Also, let it dry out every once in a while also.
It does love light, but not too much direct light/sun. The sunlight does make your plant turn more purple, but if its too much, they turn brown. So not too much sunshine. I have my plant outside indirect sunlight, it’s growing good and leaves are green. Not purple, I will have to try putting out in some sun. This is the one other plant I have forgotten about. Why? Is because it is a smaller plant. Hidden away in a corner of my house. But it is now outside and is feeling the love. How do I know this? It is growing and growing and looking great!
Care of common houseplants is very simple if you just start with some easy plants. That will not die if you forget to water them. Or even if they partially die, you will still be able to revive them back. That is the wandering jew.
Cut clippings To Grow Another Plant
You can even grow more of this plant, to make more of the same plant. By cutting clippings off of this one, and either adding it to water. Or even add it right into some moist potting soil in a pot.
Funny story with this plant I have. I got this beautiful plant from a friend, she said it is very easy to care for. But I killed it, or I thought that I did kill it. Because I threw the pot with the dead plant inside it, outside my backdoor. It was all dried up and looked dead, and it stayed out there all winter also. But when spring came, rain watered it and it got sun. The plant went and came back, so I was glad that I never really threw it away. So I nursed it back to health, and it has become a great plant. That refuses to die.
So as you see, the care of common houseplants is very easy. As long as you get ones that don’t require that much monitoring and watering. Anyone can have a houseplant of their own to enjoy and watch and grow. Another thing you can do if you think you will be away is to put your plant in a dish of water. So it can get its drink of water, without dying while you’re gone. This works also if you think you’re too busy to remember to water and want your plant to live. Set it up in a plate of water and know it will be ok for now. This is another way to care for common houseplants.
Great to Add New Soil to Plants
So I have just went and bought some new potting soil for my houseplants. So they will all feel refreshed and rejuvenated in there new dirt. When I was taking my plants out of their old pots, a few of them had to be moved up one pot size. The plants had outgrown their current plant, I had a few plants that needed this.
So it is a good thing to add new soil to plants. Cause it gives you a chance to see the roots of your plants, and decide if they need bigger pots to go into. Also I found out that I needed to split one plant also. It was growing from the side of the main plant.
I now have many houseplants, will most likely start to give them away or sell them for $5 a plant. Cause when the weather gets colder, they will have to come back indoors. That is just too many plants to have to bring back inside.
This is one of the things that I love to do, is grow houseplants. I love looking at them while I sit at my computer, doing my work from home. Which is a great job to do, as I came across it one day. And I hope others get to do this also. YOU can do what I love doing each and every day, just fill out the form on the right. To connect with me and you will be able to do this too.