Alkaline Living is something that I was told about recently. Richard Davidson has shared what he has learned and follows. A way to live better.
Now, Rory and Tanya are now looking at more ways to live Alkaline each day. To them this makes sense, and they say that once you live alkaline. You feel so much better and you will be thanking them later for introducing you to it.
Now, Richard has shared his story on how it has helped him. You will hear more about him in the training that we do. But that will be later, just need to get with your instructor to keep up to speed. So continue reading and I will share what I do know.
You can see in the ph Scale below that show the acidic food and alkaline food. So the more you help your body to be in Alkaline State, the better. It is a short and long term benefits here. You can make small changes and adapt to be living Alkaline and see if you too change for the better. Try something new, it never hurts us to try different. You never know what may be good for you and you just don’t know it.
Who Brought Living Alkaline to our Attention
How Did I Hear About Alkaline?
Well the one I heard it from is Rory Ricord cause Richard Davidson is his mentor. He is very thankful for him and has even referenced him in the book he wrote “Marketing is Freedom” You can find this book in Amazon and on the actual website. Where you can get it for free by using the coupon code freedom. Great book and a great start for your own business if that is what you seek.
So Who Is Richard?
He is an Ambassador of Alkaline Health and Overall Wellness, and he also follows it too. He live the Alkaline life 24/day 7 days/week. Now there is something about him when you meet him, he is a great person. It will make you think-is it cause of the way he lives or is it just him?? Well, why not try to be alkaline and see for yourself.
Richard also is 81 if you can believe it. A retired U.S.Navy EOD Diver. He is in great shape and he has set out to live the alkaline way of life. Cause for him it is working and he wants to share what he knows.He wants to share with everyone and anyone that will listen to him. Paying it forward with others.
You know with Alkaline living you can even have and enjoy a glass of wine every night. Wow, now I mean fine wine, not liquor store wine. We have some great fine wine that is made the right way. Having fine wines also help you to process the foods you eat better. So if you have just one glass of Wine a night you will see some great benefits!!! Cause you must have seen somewhere that a glass of wine a day is actually good for you, as long as it’s only one glass!!! So go here and see some fabulous great fine wines you can not find elsewhere, only here!!!!!
More For Being Younger!!!
So try the alkaline living and you can even combine it with these great snaps. One that has better weight management, better sleep, and better body function. So how about feeling and looking younger than you have ever been? Along with that you will realize you feel great, better than you ever have. Now, that sure does sound great. I know it is real, cause that is how I feel fabulous.
Heard of Bio-hacking-no, well that’s ok. You can go see these great snaps here. Go read for yourself and see what you think. “Snaps” cause you snap them in half and you take the gel. Now, you will see the change and how it makes you feel right away. Now no pill does that, but wow, this sure does. I love them so much. Oh and this company where you get them they offer so much too. The longer you stay the better and believe me you will be so glad that you have found it.
See The Benefits For Yourself” of Uuth.
- Mental Clarity and Stamina
- Have Brain Focus and Mental Acuteness
- Feel happy and in a better mood
- Clarity of Skin, Hair Growth, Nails and Great Skin from the inside out.
- Lesser wrinkles and addition of elasticity to your skin.
I take my Snap called uüth™, [pronounced yüth]basically liquid collagen. Now, I take this in the start of my day. Before I get up and start my day. If you are doing the Alkaline living you would be having a C.A.T. (cucumber, avocados, and tomatoes-without the seeds and skin) for your morning breakfast. This is a great way to kick start your day, to live your best life.
After 10 minutes, of taking uüth™you can take an additional supplement.
While you enjoy your cup of coffee you will take plôs thermo. Now, if you are looking to lose weight quick, this is for you. But you do have to take this with your coffee or in your coffee, hot chocolate, or cup of tea. You just need caffeine so it activates the ingredients in the snap so that you get the benefits. Watch your inches disappear and believe me you will see it!!! Lose some sizes off your waist you will see your clothes not fit right anymore. I know I have went down one size and had to buy new clothes, now, I am not complaining. I love it and continue taking it to see if I can get down to the size I was in high school. Now, wouldn’t that be something to see. I can’t wait.
Now add two more to your Routine!!! Add brān® and zlēm™
Next to add is the third one-brān®pronounced [breyn]This “snap” will help you with throughout the day. Now, you can take just one first and more if needed during the rest of your day. Some take as much as 5 a day. No matter how many you like to have, you will love this and how it makes you feel. I know I sure do, I don’t know where it has been all my life. But this company is very new, as just started taking these in July of 2020. Heard about the company when it opened in May of 2020.
A great Fun Fact: after taking this for a straight 5 days you will be feeling what is known as “The State of Flow”.
“The State of Flow” this will change your life. Just get this and take it daily!
When you feel a bit sluggish or just off your game, this should be your go-to. Get rid of that Brain Fog!!! Help you focus more, especially if you are in PBS you sure want to be mentally focused. Don’t know what PBS is go and see for yourself here. This sure is a mood enhancer and will lift your mood too. I just love how it keeps me more focused than anything else I have tried. Basically, it is just great and I make sure I do not miss a day of taking it. Cause these all work together.
Next, is the 4th one, zlēm™, pronounced [zleem]. Now, I take these roughly 30 minutes before bedtime. If you struggle sleeping then this will be your savior. You will have a great sleep and no more tossing and turning. I know I love it, and I now get more REM sleep than before.
So if you are wanting to be the best that you can be, then these four products will be great for you. You too will love the benefits of these. If you choose to go with Alkaline Living you will even be better. Life is about finding all the right supplements for your own well-being and your body. We are a pay-it-forward community here and we love to help others. You can reach out to me, or just fill out the form on the page. Or even just go here.