Can’t get out of debt, I have seen this a lot lately. Many just don’t get why they just can’t save money or why things just aren’t getting better. Well, first thing is to get rid of it. Be serious about it too. Quit spending and put all your available money to what you owe. Whatever that means, credit cards or student loans or even your mortgage.
You just need to start paying the amount off. Now, I know that is easier said then done. But think about how better you would feel when it is all paid off. Not “if” it gets paid off, tell yourself it will be paid off. Positive mindset will make it all happen, you have to tell yourself that you will do it. See it and believe it and make it happen and become a reality.
Even if you only can put $40 towards the amount you owe, you are still that much closer to getting paid off. May take you a while, but it will get done. Cause you have a plan and you will make it happen. See your mindset change and your debt go down. You will see that you see your spending differently cause of this small change you did. You will want to find more money to put towards it. Cause it will snowball into looking like this is very possible and you see what progress you have made already.
Need Help Getting Out?
I have recently came across this site that helps you with your debt and more. Gets you back on track and even more. But you know you do have to be willing, and once you get out you need to quit your bad habits and quit spending money you don’t have. It may be hard at first, I believe you can do it and change your bad habits now. Or you will be right back where you started, the only thing that will change will be the date. And you would of wished you had listened the first time.
When I got serious about this, I realized that I had an extra $400 floating around. Who knew!! Cause I sure didn’t know it was that much, I just knew I had extra money. I normally would spend this on Amazon or just buy something on the Shopping Channel. I always had extra money when the next month came. So I quit spending and put this down on my highest credit card. Did this every month and after 4 months this was starting to look very good. I was amazed, so I started to find more money I could put down so this would go faster.
Believe me, this is not very easy to start either. It was hard not to spend any money at all and know I was putting this on my credit card. Money I had spent already and needed to pay it off now. So I started by cutting my cable down to basic-saving myself $110/month. I got rid of my landline also, which saved me $35/month. I had cut out my Movie subscriptions $20-30/month. Since I work from home now I don’t have much time to watch tv. See how this little bit added up and saved me $165-$175/month. Now my paying off my debt amount now is $565/month. In two months it is $1,130 and in four months is $2,260. and in 6 months-$4,520.
So those amounts are like wow, and they are very real. Very simple to do just by crunching the numbers out. Once you put it into motion you too will be amazed and wish you had done it sooner.Get your debt paid off, sure go ahead and get your subscriptions back. Cause you will have all that extra cash and you will see where it all goes. Your credit cards will be down to zero and what you have in your bank account is yours. I love it and believe me it is so worth it and does work!!!
Getting Out Is Possible
Quit spending money you don’t have, cause you need all the money you do have for your debt. Cause you got into problem by spending what you don’t have. Now it is time to put this all back, even though you can’t afford it. You have to find a way to make it happen. At first, you will struggle with what you have to do. But, just think of it like this. You buy a latte or coffee from a coffee shop each day. Start making your own coffee and use that money towards it also. Cause you just found $5 you didn’t have before. Making a sacrifice to pay even more off. Even if you can, just don’t get your snacks from the bakery anymore. Make your banana bread or muffins for your lunch, saving even more.
Or even cut your app subscriptions off your phone. Do you need that app that you pay $11 a month for, or should that go towards it also? Or even cut off your cable, cause if you have internet. You don’t need to have cable too. Streaming is great, just a small cost, better then cable. Use your smart tv or your Roku device or even just your computer. But if you’re really serious, check out the link I posted above.
Every little sacrifice adds up. Just think about it right now. An example is I used to buy a dozen donuts every week, which basically was $9 a week. But now is $11 for a dozen. That is a $44 cost a month, and this is only because we never had donuts in town and now I love getting these. So I realized I didn’t need to be wasting that money and my waistline was starting to show it. I started to think, I could use this money in other ways. So I quit buying now and only do one donut at a time.
Cause I love my Spotify, don’t need it but then again I need my music for my own sanity. Lol, so I do need it and I call it a necessity. Mainly since where I live I only have one radio station to listen to and Amazon Music only has so much to listen to. These apps go great with my Alexa too, love it and I have one in every room.
I’m Serious About Getting Off Of Debt
Put some serious thought into how and where you can find some extra cash to pay down your debt. Make a plan and maybe even brainstorm some ideas on how. You can even take a real look at how much you do owe, and where. See what it actually looks like in numbers and not just in your head. You sure will be surprised on what you do owe. To see it all there in front of you, making it more real. You actually may be ashamed of yourself for it getting this bad. Now, you may be more serious on getting to work to make it all go away.
This may just be the push you need to make you have to do this. To quit spending and do your best on putting all your monies into the amount you owe. Crunch some numbers to get that big number down and even go as far as figuring how long it will take. Want it to be sooner, then get more serious and find some more corners you can cut to find more money. You will be very satisfied in the end, cause all the money that goes into your bank account will be for you. To spend however, you like and not to pay off credit cards.
I have Done This And So Can You
Now, I of course still have wants. But the difference now is that I pay cash for them. My money in my bank account is for me. I recently have bought an iPad with cash, not just any iPad I bought an iPad Pro. Now, if you know what I am talking about it does cost a pretty penny. I know I normally would of just put this on a credit card, or not have gotten it at all. I sure love that I can buy things like this now. Now having to worry about a credit card payment for something I wanted now.
This can be you, using cash to pay for the items you want. I love it, and I don’t need to worry on how much I need to pay on things anymore. I have my bills coming out automatically now and my credit cards I use for cashback. If I do use them at all. I would buy something for 40 and then put the money right back on my card. This works for me and it may not work for everyone.
So glad I took the leap and figured out how to put money extra on cards. To get my debt down and lessen the amount I owed. I seen others do it on the youtube videos I watched. But honestly I never really gave it any thought. So first I just omitted eating chips all the time. Lets say that was $40 a month. Threw it on a credit card and kept doing that for a whole year. Wow, i was amazed on the dent it did to my card balance. So I found more extra money and continued. Figured out a good plan on how to get this all done. To be honest, it kind of got fun to find extra $ anywhere. And look at me now, debt free baby!!