Why Work from home is what many people find themselves asking others. Mainly cause they are thinking the same thing themselves. They too want to get away from working for someone else. To be able to work for themselves. They don’t know how to or even where to start even. You can go here and see what we have and then decide for you if this is what you’re looking for.
Many want to leave the normal 9-5 Monday to Friday JOB. It could be because of stress, health reasons, can’t do the hours, kids at home, elderly need them. Or they can’t afford to go to work anymore-cost too much gas, and don’t like always buying clothes, bus passes, daycare, and parking fees. You name it we all have something that prevents us from working.
I know some have said they just find their current job stressful. Or just have gotten tired of working and decided to work from home. Now knowing where to go or where to look to find a work-from-home. This is why I am trying to find good ways to get this out there for the people that just don’t know where to go.
We do have lots here, but your first initial stop is getting your website, pay for setting it up. Of course needs to be on the internet to work. Everyone thinks they can work from home for free. Sorry, that is not how it works.
Costs Of Having a Job
If you think about your JOB- you may pay (rough idea of it)
- $100/week for gas or that amount for a buspass. It could even be more depending how far you need to drive.
- We have not even included clothing or anything like that. Or can you wear everyday clothes to work?
- You also need a haircut, especially if it’s your first job in a long time. $20
- $4/ x 5=$20/week for morning coffee at a coffee shop
So just remember that when you say you shouldn’t have to pay to work from home. Well you do, even though your not leaving your home. But you have to be on the internet and you can’t make your own site or you would be doing it already. Right?
You may pay for your Internet at home, $100/month. And you pay for your hydro too. So even though you think your not paying to work from home you are. You just don’t know that you are. And guess what! Start making money from home, this becomes deductable. How awesome is that? So eventually you will start making money, depending on how bad do you want it??
If you think you can’t do this, you know what this can be done while you have a regular job. Leave your home do your normal 9-5 and come home and do this. May just take you longer, but you will get there.
Why Do You Want To Work From Home?
What is your “why” and is it strong enough to make you pursue working from home, for yourself? It has to be, because here we don’t make money right away. You need to have some skin in the game and be consistant with it. If you can’t do that, then how will you succeed? I dedicate alot of time to this and my “Why” is strong. It comes right to how bad do you want it and are you willing to do what you need to get it?
We have a system and we teach you what you need to make this work. Of course, you need to learn this, and know how to do what you need to do. If you think about it-it was that way when you started at a job. I know it was for me, even though I already knew how to do. But I didn’t know how they did it all and the routine or system they did it all in. I was a chambermaid, and I even had to learn how to do that even. All the steps I needed to go through to know I had done it all that day. To know it was all clean and finished, I could positively say I knew it was done.
Why I Work From Home
I basically wanted to work from home, cause I got tired of being a chambermaid. Tired of getting told when I was to work. Work 6 days a week, sometimes 7 and not even being appreciated at all. I was over-worked and over-tired. Didn’t want to work for someone else anymore.
I wanted to be home for my kids, cause they were getting older and I was missing it all. And I knew I would miss my grandkids growing up also. Cause I already missed alot already. I was determined to find my solution and I did and I am not going anywhere. My only regret is that I wished I had learned it a bit faster and would have started earning faster. But I had to break my old routines to pick up new ones.
Willing To Do The Steps Needed
If you know copy and paste, that is only part of it, but it is an important part. Know how to read and type? Read an email or even send one? How about research information? Looking for things on the Internet, can you do that? You just need to take the leap and get going. Just need to believe in yourself and take the leap.
If you can just do some of those steps great!!! You will love it here. But of course that is not all that we do here. You learn as you progress and we will show you more. Not until you learn the other things first. Sound good? And of course, you need to have also read the marketing is freedom book. Which you should have already gotten. If not, go to Marketingisfreedom(dot)com. coupon code:freedom. To be able to get the ebook for free.
You Need A New Routine
It took me a while to get into a new routine and basically know when to get to work. I didn’t do it right away. First thing in the morning would be to turn on the tv and watch a movie or show. Now, I get up and start work at 8 am for my time zone. My new routine took a bit to change myself into doing it. It is not easy, but can be done. Again if your Why is strong enough.
So if your willing to do all the steps needed to learn how to work from home. Then we welcome you aboard and welcome to the family. You will love it here as much as I do and many others that are here also. Some were hesitant at first, but you have to learn what to do before you say you don’t get this. Be open to learning again and come out of being comfortable. Change your view of sitting around all day to actually sitting at your computer every morning.
No matter what we will be here for you when you decide. Can contact us here.