Canning jars glass is great for a whole bunch of things. Can your food from your garden or even can your dehydrated food in them also. I have done lots with all my jars. They all come in many sizes and even the size of the neck can be different also. I know I didn’t really know how to can right away, I had to do some research on it first. Know what you need to do this and you basically need the basics of this to get started. So many possibilities for your canning jars glass-all different kinds of food you can either water bath or pressure can. Again do your research so you know what you are doing.
Costs alot for the Jars
In the beginning they are costly and remember it is an investment. Cause they are not just a one-time use, if taken care of they will last years. Now, I have found that some people are pretty picky on what they want to buy secondhand. I was selling some jars for next to nothing. Cause I no longer needed them. Some people were looking for either a certain brand or even the ring size, or even ones that weren’t that old. Now, I don’t get why they would be so picky. Looking for the second hand to begin with and they should be grateful for what has come to them. Cause that is what they were looking for, was canning jars. I figure if they want a certain type of jar then your best bet would be to just go and splurge and buy new. Shop for exactly what you want and not what you don’t want in second-hand jars. Cause again it is a lifetime purchase and you will always be using it.
I know that I love getting jars that have a decorative design on the jars. They cost alot though, and I was blessed to have just found some that someone threw out. Found them at the side of the road, in their boxes and said free. Great condition and even had rings on them also. So these jars fit great on my canning shelf that was specially made for my jars. So I ended up getting rid of my miss-matched jars and kept these great decorative jars. I was so thankful in being at the right place at the right time. Being able to get these jars, cause I know how much they actually cost and I was so happy to find for free.
Canning Jars For Sale In Bulk
There are so many places to find some for sale in bulk. But you need to make sure they are the correct size and the right thickness. Also that they are able to be used for canning or even just decoration. Many jars that are sold can only be used for decoration, so be careful and know which ones you are buying.
I know some jars sell jars only in bulk. Great if you are just starting canning or one that gives your creations away. Always running out of canning jars glass then this is an awesome find when you find it. Wow, the jars I found were great. The size I needed and the exact ring size too. I sure did stock up that day. So when I randomly find something I wasn’t looking for, I take it as a blessing. And never walk away from it and I make sure that I buy it then and there.
Canning Jars Gallon Size
Now gallon size I have used a few, as the cost is way different than just normal canning jars. You can get a great deal when found for sale in bulk. These will seal when activated with heat. Great for so many uses such as kombucha brewing, sun tea, canning or even storing dry goods. I use mine for the dehydrated fruits that I make. They look beautiful on my canning shelf or even in my kitchen. Nice size jar and you would be surprised how much food or liquid they can hold.
Yard Sales Are Great For Finding Jars
I have gone to many yard sales and had this one that had to clue what the jars were for. Just that they all matched and they looked good but they had no cover. They didn’t have rings or a lid. So they basically were giving them away. I got about 4 cases of quart jars for $5, was a great find for sure. Even a thrift store put vintage jam jars in the free bin. Not knowing what they even had at all, was a great find for me. Even a big thrift store in the city will sell jars at about $2 a jar, or even less. Just to get rid of them. So if you don’t go to yard sales then you may want to check out thrift stores for some good deals.