Coloring is Just not for kids, as an adult, I love to color. It is something that I use when I feel a bit stressed. Usually, I will use music to help me de-stress. But most times it will be a combination of both. I love my coloring so much that I bought myself a bunch of coloring books.
Not just a bunch, a whole bunch, like mostly around over 30 books. I love all the different designs of books that are out there. That is the whole reason why I own so many. I recently found some cool color books on Archie Comics. One is a holiday book and the other one is a Halloween coloring book. They even have puzzles in there to do too.
I have some of Dr Seuss. too. Those ones I am saving till my coloring gets better, as I am still practicing and learning the colors. Which is a great experience too. So I have books that I use to practice my skills on, and some just to random color. No real thought in my colors, this is how I discover what works and what doesn’t.
Coloring is very relaxing,and calming. You get more creative as you keep on coloring in your books. It is more or less for your benefit, to help you cope and enjoy the art of coloring.
Love to Color in Coloring Books!!
Studies show that when adults color that they are better problem solvers. Work better under stress, and better hand to eye coordination. It is a great way to stop and take a break from work, even though it is computer work. I still need a break to get my thoughts together.
Sometimes, I just can’t think of what to write and have hit a mental block. That’s when I pull out a coloring book and color for 10 minutes or so. Using just my gel pens and find my book for that, which is right at my desk. This sure does help me to make it through my day. I take a moment and just be creative for as little as 10 min/day. I found that this does work for me and may work for you also. I have to remind myself to make time to color and de-stress myself. And this is how I do just that.
Coloring is just not for kids
NO one ever said that it was just for kids, but do you see how they are so calm. Compared to us adults who are always stressed out, we need to use these skills to calm us down. We always forget to take a moment and just relax and calm down. No rush to get it all done, you can take a moment and relax, then pick it up again. Use gel pens or markers, whichever you feel comfortable with.
But, no matter what you use to color in your book. The point is to just get out there and color and try to relax and maybe destress a bit. This is to help you learn to calm down and relax and just focus on coloring.
Adults that color are more relaxed! Adults that color is more creative, calmer, and overall happier. I even set up a place to just color and be creative. Realized that this has helped me to see more clearer and focus more better. Calmed be down and I am not so stressed anymore.
Coloring is not just for kids. If you are looking for a way to take a productive break that will help to fuel your creative juices coloring may be just the thing you need.
When you create a picture from coloring you take the time to pick out the colors you need. What you are gonna color at that time. You focus on what you are doing right then. Not what is going on around you. A good way to shut out the rest of the world.
Helps You To Be Productive
This not only helps you to be productive at your work but also helps you to stay productive in what you need to get done in your day. We all need that downtime, for whatever purpose. So maybe, you want to take a bubble bath, but not just right now. This could be just what you need for the time being.
Enjoy coloring whenever you feel like coloring. It is fun to do and we all know how to color. Remember coloring is just not for kids. I have many coloring books and my own little collection. I love buying new ones when they came out. But now, I have so many books that I have not even opened. So now to get busy coloring them and to learn to use my colors also. YouTube has been a great help for that, while I watch some others color too. I work beside them and choose the similar colors they do and work my page along with their ideas. Works for me.
So whenever you need a moment for yourself. Why not just pull out a coloring book and some felts or pencil crayons. Color till you finish your page, or just til you feel better. Coloring is GOOD.