Saving money can be easy, just need to dedicate yourself to do it. Many people say that they need to save money. But only do a few things to make it happen. What is your reason for wanting to save money? Don’t make enough? Or you find you spend it too fast? You don’t have enough to cover your bills?
Whatever it is, you need to make sure you dedicate yourself to saving money. It always needs to be on your mind, even if it is just in the back of your thoughts. You will always be looking for some ways to cut back and save that money.
Start to save with little things, cut back on some subscriptions. Or even that daily coffee at the coffee shop, if you calculate it. You will be surprised how much $5 a day adds up. Five days a week x $5=$25 a week x 4=$100/month. Wow. Now, just make your coffee at home. See how much one simple change has saved you that much. Enough for some gas for the week, if you drive. Or let’s say it’s for food for the month. But that is savings that make you think more of some other areas you can cut back on and save. How about some of your own thoughts on savings?
How Other’s Save!
Some people say they have to save some money! But you see them, eating out once a week. That is for 3-4 people- for a dinner= $40. Now, I don’t think that is saving cause it is cheaper to just cook at home. Cause if you don’t work, why are you spending money while you say you need to save money? Really? More money so you can be lazy and not cook and go buy your dinner instead. Or even just buying that on your credit card, now really is that saving you any money? No!
You don’t have $5 for something in the store, but you go out of town and come back with $600 worth of food? Really? Now, how is that saving you money? Cause remember you put it on your credit card. You don’t mind putting $600 on a credit card, but not $5? Hmmm. The food is basically junk food such as quick snacks and crackers and shampoo and other random items. Not any food that can actually be eaten, like pantry fillers for your cupboards.
When I Shop
I know when I go out of town, I buy my flour, sugar, rice. Coffee and such and canned foods. Things that will add to my pantry and keep for a while. I do get school snacks for my kids and some bread to freeze. But I pay cash for these, or sometimes I use my cashback card. Pay it when I get home so I don’t have that surprise bill later on. Still the same amount of money, but I will gain more since I used cashback. I also have one card, that has points and I have $400 worth on that card for food. I am saving it and building it up, for hard times.
It is a bit hard when you start saving money, you will need to want it to make it work. Cause you will always need to be doing it, and no need to even second guess yourself. It will become a habit, and you will love to save money. Now, this doesn’t mean you go out and treat yourself and get an expensive gift. That defeats the purpose of saving money, cause now you just spent it all.
Reason To Save?
You are not saving money to just save and spend, this is for the long term. Unless you just want enough to get a big screen tv, then go ahead and make those sacrifices to get the big prize. Just understand what your why is and make it happen. Think about the things you can cut back and save on. Take a look at how you really spend money and where you spend it. How much do you actually spend and do you spend too much? Do you actually spend more than you even make? If that is the case, then it is a good time to start to save money by cutting back.
We never realize how we spend our money till we take a look at how we spend. It is so easy to just pull out your debit card or credit card and pay for things. Time to just use cash, and you will realize how much you actually spend on things and food. Maybe even your gas, realizing how much you drive around and notice that you didn’t even have to.
How you look at your money becomes different once you start using cash instead. Makes you see physically how and when you spend your money. Not just blindly putting it on a credit card and not knowing how you spent it. Once you have a plan on what your needing, then you will see a reason to save money. Cause now you know what you are seeking. Makes it so much easier when you see your goal.