Scheduling Your Day

Scheduling your day so you can get all of your things done. Can that be possible?? Set up times for all you want/need to have done in the day. Not the things you want to get done.

But the things that have to get done, should be in your schedule for the day. What do you need to do?? I know one of the things I added. I want to get myself back into my daily walk. It used to be something I wanted to do. But now, I have to do it.

Now, I have this great watch that tracks my health and my steps and makes me want to walk. Cause you know along with me walking, I also mine Cryptocurrency. Now that kind of mining can’t get easier than that. All I need to do is walk I can do that! And so can you, if you want to mine crypto then you need to get this watch!!! All you need is a watch to mine and earn crypto, which is something you want. Just like money and is all new to everyone. Go look online and check it out.

Setting A Wake-Up Time

I have understood also, that setting a wake-up time in the morning each day also is good for you. You have it set, so you will know what time you need to go to bed each night. So you will have the 8 hours sleep your body needs, to be at its optimal performance. When you go to sleep you are sleeping and not thinking. You can do that tomorrow morning, get up and start scheduling your day. After you have had a great sleep. Do this while you are having your morning coffee or eating breakfast. Just make sure this is how you start the morning off.

I have noticed I am more eager to get things done when I have gotten enough sleep. Compared to where I never got enough sleep, and I got nothing done. I was not motivated at all, and really didn’t even know where to start in my day. Because of the lack of sleep I was feeling pretty tired.

Now, I make sure I get the sleep I need. I also, do take something to help get rid of that brain fog. This is a great, or should I say fabulous product I take each and every day!! You can go and get some for yourself and you will see what I mean.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is something I just started to go and find out for myself. What it is all about, and why it is so popular. Now from what I understand, is that this helps with all that is happening in your head.

Just all written out on paper, so it is all not in your head. Scrambling your brain, during the day. When you are trying to be productive in your day. This maps it out, so you can see it, and not be having to back track and think again of what you were previously thinking about.

Just put it all out on a paper, and start with one thing. Then link it, via a line. To what you need to accomplish to get to your thought/thing you are thinking about wanting to do. Great way to scheduling your day.

Example, if you need to write a short story, what do you need to get there?? paper, pen/pencil. Title, subject, idea. Now do you get the idea on where you will need to start?

A Schedule

What do you need to start your schedule, what is in it?? What do you all want to accomplish in your day? Get things done! What things?? Write these down. Which ones are more important, and can you do in one day, or several days. This is where you can think of a mind map. This will just help you to break it all down. HOW YOU WILL GET THIS ALL DONE IN YOUR BUSY DAY OR WEEK.

We all need a schedule, and not just one in your head. Write it all down on paper, then you know where you are to start. How long you need to get it done. Does it all have to get done?? Even by you, maybe you can give some of it off to someone else. You don’t need to be the one to finish it all.

We are seriously only one person, and there is only 24 hours in a day. In that 24 hours we need to sleep too. Which is 8 hours we need to get a good sleep. To be at our best. We need to have some breaks also, so we can eat.

That is why a scheduling your day is so important in your life. So you know what your day is going to be like, and how you will do it all. Or at least most of it.

Great feeling of accomplishment when you gradually knock things off that list. DONE, DONE, DONE. Now off to the next thing on that list. What else is left?? Oh wow, next thing you know, you finished it all. And the day is not even done!! You can kick back and relax, even read a book or go for a walk.

Never know, once you start scheduling your day, everything falls in place. Have it all planned out, to the point of knowing exactly what you can do? Also, what you know you need to do. You will have no problem just tackling it all. Without even knowing you’re doing it all in a timely manner. Oh, and you will be more relaxed also. Because you know what you have to do and you planned on how long it will take to do it all.