A Smart TV worth getting or not?. Smart tv’s I think are worth it if you want to stream channels on your tv. That is what a Smart tv does, streams channels you would normally get on a computer or tablet. I also just found out that is has something added on there that says “live tv”. You actually can watch tv on there at no cost to you.
At first I had no clue what a Smart TV was and just listened when others told me about it. So I looked into a Roku Smart TV. and I also went and upgraded to a bigger one also. And I love my TV wishing I had listened to others when they said I should get one. Because I was using my Roku for my apps to watch them all. Now my apps are on my tv and easy to get to when I need them. No need for a whole different remote, it is all there on the screen when I turn it on.
When I bought a Smart TV, I got it home and set it up. I loved it right away and didn’t know why I had waited so long to get one. It was the best decision I had made. I set up the home screen how I wanted it, with the apps I watch. Of course after I added my wi-fi to it, because that is how the tv gets to the apps.
How To Watch Apps Without A Smart TV
Now, way back when I used to not have a way to watch apps on my TV. I would watch on my computer and open the app on there. Attach a HDMI to the computer and then connect to my tv. Then I could watch Netflix and on a bigger screen. Or I would watch my shows on my iPad or even my cell phone. But of course I didn’t like the way the movie looked on the tv. Looked a bit blurry and I needed an upgrade.
So if you don’t have a computer to watch your app-Netflix or Disney. You can also use a tablet, or go to your cell phone. We are all noticing that everything is on an app and getting more simpler. Now its even better, to have it on your television.
Connect To An App
Now my app for my Roku Tv is downloaded on my iPhone. I love the app because it makes my Bluetooth headphones connect to the streaming apps on my tv. Now I mean, that I can watch Netflix on my tv, be connected to my phone. And now I am listening to my movie via wireless! Now how great is that! No disturbing others and you get to listen while using your headphones.
Now, when you do this on your cell phone. Download the Roku app and make sure your tv and cell are on the same wi-fi network. If you have a Roku TV you can download the app with the same sign-in. As long as you know the info and make sure they match. Having it work that much easier.
How I had found this out is from research and looking for myself. I first thought I needed a bluetooth adapter for my tv. To find that I had a headphone jack on my new tv already. But I did not have a long enough cord to reach to me. The alternative is use the Roku app on my cell and connect using the headphones I already use for my cell. And all I can say is wow.
You Need Wi-Fi To Connect A Smart TV
Yes, you will need wi-fi so you can download some apps for the tv. Also, to watch what you downloaded. So if you currently don’t have it, then this may not be the tv for you then. Just another thing you will need to consider when you think about getting A smart tv.
Smart Tv a Wrong Choice?
You never now, do your research and check it out and see if may like it. And you can get some free apps on there also. So you do not need to have the apps, just pick and choose.