Why do I need to walk, does it count as exercise? Yes, it does. I knew it is good to walk for all over good health. I love walking to get some much-needed fresh air and to have some time for myself. Now, if you are told you need to get out and start moving. But you think you need to hit the gym and start exercising or lifting weights. No, you just need to move and get out and start walking. Do it consistently and make sure to keep it up.
With me, I need to get moving for myself. Especially having high blood pressure, I am told to exercise more. For me, exercise means walking. I just need to walk for 20 minutes to have some benefits of it. Enough to get my heart going and get my heart rate up. I also take this time to listen to my playlist and enjoy the scenery around me.
Benefits Of Walking
- good overall health
- lose weight
- helps reduce stress
- curbs food cravings(getting your metabolism up)
Walking also boosts your immunity. Just some simple walking helps in protecting you during cold and flu season. There was a study done on 1,000 women and men that had walked 20 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week. That had 43% fewer sick days than those who only exercised about once a week. Also, if they did get sick it didn’t last that long. They also didn’t suffer that long either, symptoms where way lesser. So yet again another great benefit to just a simple walk.
Another big one is it helps in lowering your cholesterol. If you are one that has high cholesterol and just need to quit eating those fattening foods. Add walking into your routine for the week, will not only make your slimmer. But also lower your cholesterol levels, making your Dr. happy too. Helping you to live a longer life also. Something so simple and I don’t see why many others don’t just get outside and walk.
Another Great Weight Loss Solution
Add this great snap or snaps to your daily intake of things. You will get a boost in your mental clarity and even look younger. All depends in what you choose out of all the different snaps that there are. Taking a few of them will benefit you in many ways. The one for thermo help is another great one that will help you to lose weight faster. That is one great one, but if you combine it with this other one. You have a double whammy of greatness. For your overall weight loss.
These are a great way to manage your mental health and weight too. Love the brain one for me to see more clearly then I was before. This sure does help me with not needing my nap in the afternoon. I also have more focus when I am using this each and every day. Love the great products and how they make me feel. Right down to the pendant I bought in there too. As I work at my computer every day, since I work from home. So it is great to have protection from the EMF I am getting from my Internet and my computer. Even using my cell phone, this protects me also.
So are you a stay-at-home mom/dad, that needs to earn some money, just as I did when I first started. Even a side gig or just want to put your computer to use. Then this is for you and you know what this doesn’t feel like work. Not a regular J.O.B. where you work for your boss to benefit. Here you make your own hours, and take time off when you need too. We have a system here that works and you learn along the way. This is great, and like I said you be your own boss. If you put in a lot of hours and focus on what we tell you to do. You will be well along your way on having your business make you money. While you stay home and be there for your family.
So whether you need just an extra income or want this to be your job to go to each day. You can make it work, just understanding the system and what you need to do. It can be done. How many spare hours in a day do you have? Do you want to have a goal of making money or wasting your time on things that don’t make you money. I quit just watching tv, I now watch tv while I have my laptop on my lap and doing some work. Cause I used to watch tv and play games on my iPad. I swapped that out for my laptop which helps me to earn money while I watch TV. Wow, and I think this is something we all should do. Wouldn’t you??
Track Your Steps and Earn
Also, if you like to walk and count your steps. Why not mine some crypto while you do that? Or even just monitor your blood pressure while you are at it. So having a simple Helo Device that monitors for you. Get the app and have on your phone and you will see how to use it for getting your health measurements. Connect to Inpersona and you will start mining crypto right now. Another great way to watch your health and earn crypto. You don’t need to be tech savvy for this either, just be sure to refresh the app when it asks you too. In case you forget to do it yourself.