Getting Motivated To Get Things Done

Getting motivated to get things done, is what we all look for when we think what we are doing is not working. Is there something different that I could do?? Are others doing it differently, or am I doing it differently? Or even wrong??

Wow, when you think about it. What you are doing for motivation must not be working. When you go out and seek alternative ways to get some motivation happening. So you can be productive in your day. Making the most of your valuable time.

Your Time Is Very Valuable

You get pulled from all different directions, but remember you are only one person!! The time you do have make the most of it, because it is valuable.

  • Your boss-if you are working outside the home
  • caring for a parent
  • caring for a family member
  • maybe you have kids
  • you have friends that just need to chat
  • or you have a side business
  • or you volunteer at an organization
  • even your life gets in your way.
  • even your own long To-Do list takes time
  • Household chore list that seems never-ending

Now matter what it actually is that takes up your time in the day. We all have something that is demanding and we need to tend to it.

Sometimes, we don’t need to do it all. We can learn to give some things to others-get them to help you. Instead of helping others. Gives others a feeling of accomplishment also.

Making The Most Of Your Day

Now you have a rough idea of what are the time-suckers in your day. Can you give some things to others? Like your chore list?? Or some of your To-Do list?? That is somewhere others can help you out. Maybe the others you have to do yourself.

That is ok too. NOW, let’s see what else you need to do??? Maybe you are working from home. Trying to figure out how to get this all organized, and need to make it work.

Ever listen to podcasts?? Some great motivational speakers on there. Also, ones to help you organize, where you start. Lots, to go and pick and choose from. So you can find exactly what you want.

You can even start your morning, by listening to a great motivational speaker on the podcast app of your choice. I use Spotify and even the free podcast app on my phone. Just Google what podcasts there are out there. Pick and choose actually, there are so many to be found.

If you are like some people, don’t know even what a podcast is. Google is something you can use, to search it up. Basically go to the search /URL bar, on your computer or phone and type in the podcast.

You will find that there is a lot of them to choose from. Most ones searched up will be on the top of the page.

Getting Motivated To Get Things Done!!!

You need to get your day started off right. Be in the right mindset, for your whole day. You can’t get motivated if you are already grouchy after waking up. Get up and say at least one thing that you are grateful for today.

  • getting up for another day
  • for your family/friends
  • for your health
  • to be where you are in your life
  • have your loved ones in your life
  • blue sky or even the snow

You can be grateful for anything you want. Just make sure that you feel that feeling of desire when you say or think it. Meaning, you have to mean it!! Don’t just say it, and no really mean it. Cause then what you said has no meaning to it at all, it is just words.

Does everyone have a morning routine? Are you predictable to what you do each morning? Do others already know you will not be ready right away

Getting Motivated Is Hard At Times

Ok, why not start with a list of what you would like to accomplish for your day. Be realistic on your list.

You basically are gonna have a checklist of what you want to do.

My Checklist for the day-changes all the time

  • do household cleaning, for an hour (laundry folding, vacuum, dusting)
  • get kids ready
  • clean off my desk for 15 minutes( cause it does get messy)
  • make banana bread
  • pick a spot in my house, that has to be cleaned off. (always neglected)
  • make sure to drink water
  • take a moment for myself to relax and not do ANYTHING

This needs to be covered in about 6 hours. So I basically dedicate it to be done before my kids get home from school.

And in between the list, I work on my home business also. So my time is very valuable. I need to make the most of it. This list helps me to focus on the tasks I need to do for today. I Will change it for tomorrow, but this is what I set out to finish for today.

A big score, if I get to them all. To make that banana bread is quite the leap though. Cause I don’t know if I can get that one done. But I did last week I made the bread and peanut butter cookies too. So if you map out what you want to do for your day.

Believe me, you can most likely get it all done. Amaze yourself, and see that you did motivate yourself to get it done. You stopped overthinking it all. Focused on your list, which is your tasks for the day. Checked them off as the day went along. Bang, all done. What’s next??? NOTHING, BECAUSE YOU, COMPLETED YOUR LIST.

Now that you know you can do it, you can think of your list for the next day. That is my motivational idea for the day. Start it off right, with a checklist, and you will feel great knowing you done it all. A great feeling and you get in the right mindset for the rest of your week.

Hope this helps you on your journey, to find what you need to do to get motivated. To continue on your daily/weekly tasks.