Have you ever wondered, If it’s ok to not be ok?? I know we are asked a lot, how are you doing? Do you dare say what you actually feel. Most people expect you to say I am alright or I’m doing ok. I usually say I am doing great. Meanwhile, a part of me is struggling each and every day. Cause I have lots to do every day and no one knows exactly what I do.
Has anyone asked me what do I do in a day? NO, they hadn’t asked. Not that they don’t care, it’s that they have lots to do too. Maybe not as much as you do, but in their head it is a lot. They woke up today and got dressed and went to the store. That may be a lot just for them. But we never really know, to be honest. Many people are like that, that daily functions are a lot for them.
Feel Overwhelmed
A mom and work from home and you need to do it all. You work and you still need to clean your house, and care for your kids. Grocery shop also and still have many things to do with work later. Only you know exactly how busy you are. Needing to make the most of your day, thinking you got it all down. To have someone all of a sudden get sick or need you. So changes your whole schedule. Now, you have to look again how you will manage it all.
I have a tend to overthink things I need to get done. But I also have my own downtime, and that is when everyone sees me slow down. They end up coming to me cause they think I am all done for the day. Which it is my downtime for me to recharge myself in order to continue with my day.
So make sure you take time in your day to recharge yourself. You need something for yourself and that you enjoy. I love playing a game on my iPad, or even watch a show and crochet. Just remember to never burn yourself out and take some time for yourself always. You need to get it all done, sure. But you can delegate it out also. who ever said you had to do everything??? You. That is it, you set the bar for yourself and you forgot you are aging. Getting up there and you don’t have all the energy you did when you were under 30.
It’s Ok To Not Be Ok
We all age and get older, so now we have to remember we need to change and roll with it. Don’t hold yourself to the standards of when you were younger. Cause you can’t sustain the same speed as you did before. When I think about what the younger me did, wow. I sure can’t do that now. Takes a lot out of me and my energy sometimes to just run around all day. I have my good days and bad-low energy days. So when you don’t want to do something, its ok. Whoever said you had to do it. When they say why you didn’t do it. Ask them- why don’t you do it. Why do I have to do it. Only because I always did, well now I don’t feel like it. Get someone else to do it.
Start off learning how to teach others doing something you don’t want to be always doing. Send off some of your to-do things to make it part of their routine. Make it so they have something for them that they have to be responsible for. Not you anymore.
I Know I Work Lots
But you know what, I love my work and it doesn’t feel like work. But this working from home is great. I just recently got told to find my why and make a page. So I did and I know why I am here and want to make this work. That is my drive for my passion of getting this work done. So I have many things to do that keep me really busy 6 days a week. It is a great thing I have found, great for everyone actually. Get yourself out of poverty and have financial freedom. I believe that is everyone’s dream. But you know you need to see the bigger picture and that is everyone else’s problem. They can’t see the solution, cause they don’t know what it is. Even when it lands right on their lap, they still are skeptical. So this is your solution right here right now, staring you in the face. Click the link and let’s get you started. Or even reach out to me and let’s chat.