Remove Wrinkles

What if you could remove wrinkles, or at least make them less noticeable. Very possible now, with this fabulous product called uüth™ [pronounced yüth]. This great-tasting gelée contains some powerful ingredients that help you to look, live, and feel more vibrantly youthful.

Remove wrinkles and a women who just woke up and looks great

Now, this great product that was just introduced is a must-have in your morning routine. Or even your daily routine, whichever time you wish to take it. I take mine in the morning after I have my breakfast and my coffee. You can only find it with Velovita and you can see what other fabulous products they have to offer. Being a company that is only a bit over a year old, is doing great. So doesn’t that tell you they are doing something right???

What is Our Skin Missing?

Collagen is what our skin is missing, it is not produced enough as we age. Which makes the wrinkles show up more in your skin. So it needs some help with adding it back. I never knew that, I always thought it was just the damage the sun did to my skin. By drying it out more and not enough moisture in my face for all the being out in the sun was doing to it. But, it is that and not enough collagen.

To Get More Collagen

Uüth™ the product from Velovita, has that in this product. How about applying it to your skin, with this great addition to your morning routine to remove wrinkles. I do put on face moisturizer also, I don’t just drink my beauty in the snap I take. Your face needs some protection, protect it from the elements it encounters. The sun, wind, dirt, cold, even you touching your face doesn’t help any either. Why? Cause you rub things into your skin without even knowing it.

Collagen helps to hydrate your skin, which helps to improve the moisture in your skin. It contains hydroxyproline which is an amino acid. Which helps to look like you can remove wrinkles.

My Morning Routine

I know you must have a morning routine you do each and every day. Without knowing it, that is your morning routine. I have a shower, to get my day started. Then, I have a routine of lotions I put onto my skin. I have body lotion and later will be face lotion or moisturizer. To lock in the moisture in my skin and to help protect it too. I have been doing this since I was about 16 yrs. old. If you haven’t started adding moisturizer, it is never too late to start.

Want to age gracefully, then doing what you need to get that collagen and moisture back into your skin is the key. Your skin needs some help, especially if you have neglected it in the past. Now it is time to change all that and love your skin again. All of it, and not just your face which we all look at first when we look in the mirror. I love my skin and want to keep it looking and feeling great. I do get asked how do I look so great? Well, I have been caring for my skin each and every day. I ask others-

  • do you moisturize your skin every day?
  • add a lotion to your face in the morning
  • a heavier lotion applied to your face at night?
  • do you drink lots of water?
  • do you drink or take something to help your skin (from inside-out)

Beauty Only takes 2 Minutes

Drink water each and every day, your body needs water. Your skin loves some water.

remove wrinkles and also have great hair, nails, and  labido

Adding some lotion into your daily routine helps you too. Only takes you a couple of minutes to apply this. Also, taking a snap and feeling the benefits only takes a few minutes. So help your skin out, if you aren’t doing it. Why not?

See what Instant Youth is all about? You can see what this is all about by watching the video below.

Another Great Product!

MRVL has come out with some great wrinkle creams also.( you have to find this on the side bar under perks and offers) Many to choose from and see what would be a good fit for you. They are really light cream, I say a lotion. Mainly cause they are so light. I apply mine under my sunscreen and I can’t even tell it’s there. That is how light it is. Even though we don’t know whats happening with this one. I currently rely on this new one now, a Uuth snap for my skin and helps remove wrinkles.

Right now, you may not be able to find the product page, as they are updating the site. Many changes coming all the time, so be sure to just go and save the link. Or just save this page, so you know where you need to go.

Care for your skin always and remember to always drink water!!! Our bodies thrive on water and always need it, do not need to be dehydrated. That is when we always get a bad headache, or have you noticed you don’t need to go to the bathroom ever! Your dehydrated, so you need some water. Just drink in little sips, don’t guzzle a bottle of water. Too much water all at once is not good for you either.