Time in your day and how to figure out how to make the most of it. You need to figure out how much you sleep in a day. Then go from there, how much time in a day is left for you to do things?
Now, I think I will say I need at least 8 hours a day to sleep. So that means that I have at least 16 hours in a day to get things done. So what do you want to get done? Care for your kids, family and your work also. Or maybe you have other things that take your time. Being a grandparent takes your time too, as I know that too. Love my grands and I would do anything for them. So when it is time to do some work I need to focus, This great little snap that helps me to be focused on my day and also helps me to lose weight too. Love it and I would not continue on my day without it.
Knowing that you have a total of 16 hours in a day to use. Now once you really think about it, how do you say you don’t have enough time in a day to do things. How is that even possible? Cause remember you figured out that you have 16 hours in a day to use. So how is there not enough time in a day for getting things done?
Is that even possible?? Yes, you can get all that needs to get done. All of it may get done in one day. If not, you can roll it over to the next day. Cause maybe one task, just took longer than you had previously thought. That’s ok, to get it done or finished the next day. It took me a while to realize this and to not be hard on myself for not doing it all. As I did burnout from doing it all and I was always stressed out. That was the reason why. Now, I take the time to relax and have my me time. To relax we all need to do something we all love. So we can be the powerhouse we need to be and get things done for the day.
How Do You Not Make The Most Of Your Day?
- you decided to have a nap instead
- turned on the tv
- you started a conversation with a friend
- you went shopping when you didn’t need to
- went to lie down, but not nap
- jumped on the tablet to scroll social media
- on your phone to do online shopping
These are some of the distractions that take away our time, without even realizing it. You made that mistake and looked at social media and look at the clock. To see you have lost 2 hours of your time, doing what?? Seeing what others are doing. Time you will never get back, and you could of been being more productive with your time.
Or the same goes with online shopping, you get to carried away. Not realizing how much time you have lost. Been there and done that. I try and save that all for night time then I will have the time to shop.
But the first step is in realizing where your time goes and how to change it.
Time In Your Day and How Do You Spend It?
Now that you realize it, now to figure out how your day will be planned. To be more productive and get more things done. With the 16 hours, you have in your day. Now, once you figure it out. Doesn’t that sound like you have more than enough time in a day to do it all?
Knowing what you need to do and how to go about it. Is the first to succeed in getting it done. Now stay away from the things that are nonproductive. Do those after you have done the things you need done. That is making the most of your day!!! You will notice how great you feel at the end of the day.
Accomplishment and satisfaction in knowing you got your things done!!! Maybe time management is something that you may be interested in. So no more watching movies or playing mindless games. I know I love these too, but I now limit myself on these things. I am more aware of what I do in my hours I am awake during the day. Sure does help me get more done and I sure do feel better at the end of the day.
Get things done and make it happen!! You have more than enough time in your day to get it all done.
Yes, you can write that page that needs to get done. Yes, you can get your canning all done in one day or do it all week. You can get your spring cleaning done this week you break it down each day and it will get done. So imagine what you can get done and the time you need. Go backwards and break it all down in steps, you will feel so much better when it is all finished.