Simple Ways To Save Money

Simple ways to save money are to start looking at what your current spending. I know that sounds easy. We just look at our bank accounts and see what we have left to spend.

simple ways to save money

I don’t mean that, I want you to look further into what you’re spending. Where can you save some money? How? Well, how much do you have take-out? Or even, just go to the store to get some munchies for the movie you are about to watch at home. But come home, with a couple of bags of food, you didn’t even really need.

There are a lot of little ways that you can cut back and save and not even realize that you’re doing it. Cut down the number of trips to the store, will save lots. Don’t just scroll online stores, you may end up buying something you don’t need.

Look into creating dinner around the things you currently have in your house. Have chicken if you don’t have pork chops, no need to run to the store for pork chops. Have something else instead, or even just have a sandwich instead.

Little changes for the good of your wallet and bank account.

How about your subscriptions is another way to cut back. You think about Apple Music or even Prime Membership. Or even your Netflix, but then I don’t know if you can if you don’t have cable. But for now, you can get some Free Tv -for 30 days. It is still saving you, and maybe subscribe, if you have to have cable. Much cheaper than what you’re currently paying now.

Think about your Spotify, maybe switch it to a free version, even saving more. How about games on your iPad, you can cancel those subscriptions also. Or maybe you’re subscribed to something on the computer, cancel that for now too. Also game consoles too, you may have a subscription on there that you may have forgotten.

You can save on your hydro, by not having the heat on, now that it’s warmer now. If your gonna plug the A/C in, only use it for when you really need it. Start to unplug devices that are not currently in use. Don’t use lights if you can easily open a curtain. Unplug your cell phone chargers, if they are not connected to your phone, cause they still use hydro.

Best ways to save money on groceries is to not go rushing to the store and buying food that you do not need. You most likely have something that you can use at home instead

Dehydrating beef sounds funny. But it is just beef jerky!!! Cause all beef jerky is, is seasoned beef sliced thin and dried.

Easy ideas for canning is what I am thinking about right now. As canning season comes upon us, we need simple easy ideas for that. Where will we start, and what will we can, fruit or vegetables.

Easy chicken dinners are anything that you would make with chicken. Either bone-in or boneless is great for making your dinners. I use chicken breasts, mainly because I bought lots when it was on sale.

Easy hamburger Dinners are great to have when you need dinner that everyone will eat. Hamburger is good economical meat to use. It doesn’t cost that much to buy and it is so easy to find something to make with it.

Juicing with any kind of fruit is almost endless. You just need to see what you can get your hands on. Even just start with the basics that you can find in your local grocery store.

Making fruit syrup instead of buying it, seems better. Since there is a lot of fruit around now, and you can always find some in stores. So I thought I would go ahead and make some of my own

New to gardening, where to start if probably the question you are asking yourself right now. I know it is a great idea, start your own garden. Now it can’t be that hard, can it??

Saving your vegetables and fruit before you even have time to use them. You can still save them, by dehydrating them. If you don’t own a dehydrator, you can just freeze most of it. Depending on what you have to save.

Simple Ways to save money are to start looking at what your current spending. I know that sounds easy. We just look at our bank accounts and see what we have left to spend.

Start decluttering now!!! What does that mean?? Getting rid of items in your house that are cluttering it up. How nothing fits in your house like it used to.

Serious about saving money??? Well, are you serious? Or just looking for a simple way to save some cash for a trip. So that is a short-term version of saving money. Cause you have a goal to look forward to.

Ways to save money on a tight budget, now sometimes this is easy to do. If you see that it can be done. You have to want to save money. Not just say that you want to. You have to commit to doing it, to make it happen.


Should I plant a garden is what I have been thinking about lately. Better to grow my own or buy vegetables in store? I do like gardening, but I don’t know if I can dedicate the time needed for a garden. 

New to gardening and where to start

Garden is Producing So Many Veggies that you just can’t seem to keep up. Well, that is exactly what is happening to me!! Thinking-can I possibly eat all this produce?

I know for some people a garden is a great idea. As I think about last year I had way too many plants to care for. Just me worrying about the garden. I did get frustrated because no one really wanted to help. So this year, I have told my son, he is going to be doing some weeding for me. He offered before and he just never followed through with it.