Why I Love Working From Home

I needed to say why I love working from home. Others always see others working from home, many never take the leap. Not believing that they too can also work from home. It may not be easy to do it, but you can. It is just a matter of finding what you are looking for, what kind of work-from-home are you looking for is a start.

So for me, I love working from home because of the flexibility of it all. I get up and I can do some house work and then jump into work. Of course I get up by an alarm and set that into my day. I don’t laze around in pjs all day while I work. I do get ready and dress as I would do if I left my home for a J.O.B. So my housework first, under 2 hours. Then I get to work. I may work 4 hours or 8 hours. Depending on what my day is planned out to be.

Why I Love Working From Home
with your pen and paper and phone for your home business

Is Working From Home Easy?

I wouldn’t say it is easy, but once you figure why you want to work from home. You need a strong reason why you want this to work. A WHY= this will work. Now, it did take me a bit to work a routine that works for me. I am getting it now and I work when I can and get as much as I can in the time I have. Of course I have bad day and good days. Most are great days. I can get lots done and feel accomplished. Some days get away from me, feel so guilty on doing no work at all. But that comes with the territory.

I have found now, that my days start earlier now. I go for a walk and then I start my day with my first Zoom meeting and calls. Then I just continue with my work the rest of the day. Now my walk benefits my health wise and also money-wise, as it is with another form of my income. That is if you know anything about cryptocurrency. So if this sounds exciting, great then you need to take the leap. You will never regret it and just need the hunger to work for yourself and be your own boss. Living the dream as some say. I of course need to actually put in the work and believe me I do. Go see more here.

The reason I love It

I love it, cause I have kids I want to be home for. Be there when they get out of school. Be able to do what I want when I want. I have grandkids that need me too, I love being a mama that is there for them. If I need to be there to watch them, I can do that. I love my flexibility and the keeper of my time. When I feel the urge to go for a walk, I can go for that walk. I don’t think I would tell myself no, cause I am my own boss. Love it and I ask myself why didn’t I do this before. I was afraid that I wouldn’t make it work and I had no clue what it was. Glad I took the leap. Love it and would not go back.

I love being able to work late at night, doing something else I need to do for my business. Is writing this for you to read. My own thoughts and my own words and I this when I have some quiet time. So again their is many ways to earn while working from home. I have that here, and earn many ways. So when I am asked how I earn, I can’t pin point it. Cause one day, I will see something on my phone. Or even my computer and I have just got another person out of poverty. I have helped another person find their dream. And I will say it again, I love it here and so will you.

Here is another way to earn and easy to do and is a low cost too. Do you need to see something in writing go look here.

Would I go Back to Work For Someone Else?

No, I would not give up my freedom and flexibility. I love it too much and I love what I do each and every day. So why would I push myself to work for a boss and let him control my time. I did that before, work for the paycheck. I pushed myself so I could earn more, the nice check was great. But my kids never seen me and I was always so tired and drained. My boss did miss me when I left, I was the best worker he had. Yet,never got much of a raise for all that I did. I more or less got pushed more. Cause I showed him I could handle it, so I got even more work pushed my way.

And just thinking about all that gets me stressed out. Working for someone else, never getting a weekend off ever. Always begging for time off. Maybe get one day off, and never was the day I ever wanted. So no, I would not go back to that. If I need more, I will ask others for help. Find what I am missing on doing and go from there. I recently have found someone to help me next week. Push me a bit more to hit my financial goal and my people I need to get for the week. Just remember this is all from my house, and no need to leave my home to work. If it benefits me more and is within my time to work, I will do it.

So if this is what you are looking for, you can reach me via Facebook or connect with the form to the right. I do reach back to others more in a message. But I can be contacted at the contact us and I hope to hear from you soon.