Arts & Entertainment are what we do to pass our time. I know we all love music or anything entertainment. Have you noticed that we all rely on our devices nowadays? No matter what device it is, we seem to use them more now. We are looking for more ways to entertain ourselves.
Coloring is Just Not For Kids: Coloring is Just not for kids, as an adult, I love to color. It is something that I use when I feel a bit stressed. Usually, I will use music to help me de-stress. But most times it will be a combination of both. I love my coloring so much that I bought myself a bunch of coloring books. You can more here.
Cost of Food Going Up: You probably have noticed this when you went shopping. Cost of food going up on some of the basics you grab each week. It’s not just the basics, it is all over the place. I know when I order groceries, whether it be in the store or online. Prices are all different or not the same brand, but at least you are still getting the product. Go see what I found here.
Father’s Day: Father’s Day is a day when I think about my dad. Most celebrate their dad on this day. Either a party or a dinner the family will do to celebrate this day. I now I usually just take a moment out of my day to think about my dad. Think this is something that may be of interest:
Holiday Gift Ideas– Arts & Entertainment is the perfect category to find these gifts. It is that time of the year again, and we start looking for some great gift ideas. Here are some of the great things you can find here. Just browse and see if there maybe something you may like for someone or even yourself. So great More holiday gift ideas
Making Your Own Slime– Can be something great when you do it with your child, so easy to make also. Once you get the hang of making it you can start exploring on what other colors you can do. Or even add some things to your slime. Oh and they are great things for sensory help also. Go here for more
My Crochet Projects that I have fun creating are some great things that I can use. Currently, I have a few blankets going. I do love double crochet as its easy and whips up nicely. There is so much that just may give you an idea to what you can crochet also. Go here and see more.
New To Gardening Where To Start– So this is what is overwhelming sometimes. First, decide what you would like to have in your garden. What your family will eat and decide how many plants you will need. Or how many seeds you need for what you want in plants. For more see here.
One Stop Go For Holiday and Gifts: A one-stop go for holidays and gifts is what I like when I just have so much to look for. Even just some ideas for people who are hard to shop for or who have everything. No matter what your looking for you may just find what your looking for. Take a peek here:
Watch Other’s Cook Online: is a great way to see how a meal is prepared on a Virtual Wine Show. We have a different Host preparing different meals and pairing one of our Fine Wines each Saturday morning. Also, first week of every month Tanya and Rory will be preparing a Dinner and Pairing with multiple selections of our Fines Wines you won’t want to miss. Go See here for the links to these Pairings.
Most people are looking for some form of entertainment now. Since we all had to stay home and not go anywhere. Why not make the most of what you are doing. You can check out what is here to offer. There is so much more on the website and not just these offers. So much more you need to and should see. But I will be changing this again so come back again to All Things Arts & Entertainment and see what is different and new.